FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO -- SODIUM THIOSULFATE -- 6810-00-163-8057 <pre>===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:SODIUM THIOSULFATE MSDS Date:01/01/1985 FSC:6810 NIIN:00-163-8057 === Responsible Party === Company Name:FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO CAGE:94480 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY Address:52 FADEM ROAD.DOMESTIC DIVISION City:SPRINGFIELD State:NJ ZIP:07081 Country:US Phone:201-796-7100 CAGE:94480 ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients ============= Ingred Name:SODIUM THIOSULFATE CAS:7772-98-7 RTECS #:XN6476000 Fraction by Wt: 100% ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== Effects of Overexposure:MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:INGESTION:CALL A PHYSICIAN. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Extinguishing Media:WATER, CO*2,DRY CHEMICAL Fire Fighting Procedures:SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:OXIDES OF SULFUR MAY BE EMITTED IN A FIRE ================== Accidental Release Measures ================== Spill Release Procedures:COLLECT IN A SUITABLE CONTAINER ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Eye Protection:SAFETY GLASSES Supplemental Safety and Health ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== HCC:N1 Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:NONE Spec Gravity:1.73 Solubility in Water:COMPLETE Appearance and Odor:WHITE CRYSTALLINE SOLID ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:YES SODIUM NITRITE,OXIDIZING MATERIAL Hazardous Decomposition Products:SULFUR DIOXIDE,SULFUR TRIOXIDE ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:DISPOSE OF BY MEANS AS TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL,STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation.